wow. I'm pretttttty freakin' stoked. I'm going with Elder Bixler.He's from my MTC district so that'll be fun. Doesn't speak a lick of Spanish either so that'll be fun. It was nice to speak Spanish for 6 weeks. Freak. I'm blowing through compañeros. I'm now on 7 and 5 have been for one change. Freak. I was hoping to FINALLY baptize and reap some of my crop, but... like usual, I'm headin' out! Still DL,so I guess presidente still trusts me, we had interviews and I guess Nelson spilled the beans on everythinggggg because I got in after him and had a whole list of things against me. I had the chance to throw dirt but I just said "well, I'm not perfect." We ended on that note. Told me it was apostate and punishable to go against leaders. I agreed and got myself out.
I'm so stoked about the Red Sox. Finally. Mayweather got another win, United States dominate, and everything is right in the sports world! haha. And as for my shoes, they have shoe repair shops every other corner. 20 pesos for a quick glue and stitch hahahaha. And as for rain, it's crazy. there is a lot of flooding. It's not usually like this here either.
Teachers are on strike, no classes, I guess the US is in another war, man I'm so out of it. People keep telling me Syria used chemical weapons and called Russia and the USA are testing bombs and who in the freak knows what.
As for moving, it will be cool. We live in a freaking plague right now. I've killed, brutally murdered, or drowned 16 rats and mice. Cool right? The owners won't do anything. Oh well,. not gonna be any ones problem for a while.
But... now its time for me to go away from Tierra blanca and Carcamo. I enjoyed my time with him a lot. Gonna be interesting...
Adios. Con amor,
Elder Mortensen
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